Born in Las Planas Hostoles (Girona) the year 1956. Lies in Bescano (Girona). He studied art at the School of Fine Arts in Salt (Girona) 1993-2004 In 1994 a course in watercolor with artist Martin Lozano. Exhibitions: 1993 - Sant Julia de Ramis (Girona) Museum Collective 1994-1995-individual Salt Library 22 (Girona) 1995-Collective 1996-Salt Museum Salt Museum Collective 1997-Collective in Lingen (Germany) 1997-Collective Fine School 1998-Salt Arts Collective School of Fine Arts in Salt 2000-magazine Christmas Cards 2000-Collective farga School of Fine Arts in Salt Auction 2002-25 IES Salvador anniversary Salt Espriu 2002-Auction for the esclerosi m Multiple province Girona i 2002-Collective Salt Fine Arts School 2004-Poster of the cavalcade of the Magi (Salt) 2004-Painting Contest 2004-Salt Exhibition Hall of the House of Culture The Salt Bernardas 2004-room Exhibition Sant Llorende Bescano 2004-Collective School of Fine Arts 2005-room Salt expositions Civic Center San Gregorio (Girona) 2006 - Board of expositions painter Massanet of Escala (Girona) 2006-Painting Contest in Salt